Word and addresses


vato loco

Word X no longer recognizes most of my addresses in my address book.
when I go to the window and type in a name, most of the time it does
not recognize it. I then have to open the address book from the tools
menu and insert the name. I am running Mac OS 10.3.9 and this is a
recent glitch. Also, why does my auto-complete list have repeat
numbers for the same person. thanks.

Daiya Mitchell

Does this express your problem?

Normally, you go do a document window, start typing a name, and get a
little yellow screentip that offers the complete name. You hit enter,
and the name is entered. The problem is that the little yellow
screentip no longer shows up.

If that is the problem, in Tools | AutoCorrect | AutoText, make sure
"show AutoComplete tip" is checked (and if you see a checkbox to exclude
contacts, make sure it is unchecked).

If that is not the problem, please explain further. What window are you
talking about, where you type the name? Also, what was the last update
you applied to Office X?

What autocomplete list are you talking about, and where do you see these
repeat numbers?

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