Word and Excel VBE behaving differently


Hari Prasadh


I work mainly with Excel ( a little VBA) and use Word as a scratch

In excel if I have VBE open and if i close all the excel normal windows then
VBE will also close down

But in Word If I have VBE open and close all the documents, VBE still
remains open.

Why is it so?

I have XP (Office/Windows)

Thanks a lot,

Charles Kenyon

In Word, normal.dot and its modules are still available even when all
documents are closed. I don't know if that is the difference.

Hari Prasadh

Hi Charles,

Im trying to learn the features of word. Since, I have a decent grasp of
excel, I just wanted to compare the common features in both of them and see
how they work.

Thats why I wanted to know,why MS designed Word VBE in a different way.
Generally, while programming in Word is there a need where one uses VBE to
run some code even if the document is not open. I believe that in Word one
might be able to automatically open documents through code and then process
them. But the same case could be said about excel. I mean if Excel VBE was
available even if no Excel workbook was open then one could open workbooks
and process them.

So, is the answer for this question related to the reason for which Word is
used by people. (Word processing vs number crunching ?). If so, what exactly
is it about Word processing does one need Word VBE to be available even when
no document is open.

Similarly, one more question. Why is it that in Word the UNDO stack doesnt
get empty even after saving a document ? (In Excel Undo button would be
grayed out after saving a workbook)

Thanks a lot,

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