Word and MathType are like dog and cat


Michael Beqq

I have two different machines, one in my office, one at home. Both have
WXPPRO and OFFICE XP (fully upgraded) and MathType 5.0. Now i have tons of
equations in my word file and word crashes on me every 20 minutes, maximum.
Then it goes to recover the document and screws all my equations by making
them pictures. I read everything about this problem, like disable fast save
or save the file as RTF and then convert back to DOC fle and then save, or
convert all equations to see which ones have problems, etc, and nothing
@#$%ing works. What a hell is going on. I've wasted so much time. Can you
guys at Microsoft sit with guys at Decision Science and figure out why your
products do not work with each other before selling both of them. It is my
last document EVER created using either Microsoft or DecisionScience
product. Good luck to your business. Cheers.

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