Word and Win98SE



I work in an office with three networked Windows 98SE computers. Is there a
way to obtain a version of Word that's still Win98SE and network compatible?
If so, how? TIA

Shauna Kelly

Hi Tim

The latest version of Word is Word 2003. It requires Microsoft Windows 2000
with Service Pack 3 (SP3), Windows XP, or later. You can't go and buy a copy
of Word 2000 or earlier in a retail store. You may be able to buy an old
copy second hand, but you would need to check carefully that you are buying
software that you may use legitimately.

As far as I know, the ability to "downgrade" to an earlier version of the
product depends on your business having a Volume Licensing arrangement with

I suggest you ask your IT department or, failing them, the people from whom
your business buys its software licences.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


Hi Shauna,

Some high-volume retailers are still selling Office 2000, which includes
Word 2000. Depending on where you go, you might also still be able to get
Word 2000 as a stand-alone app, or with Works.



Shauna Kelly said:
Hi Tim

The latest version of Word is Word 2003. It requires Microsoft Windows
2000 with Service Pack 3 (SP3), Windows XP, or later. You can't go and buy
a copy of Word 2000 or earlier in a retail store. You may be able to buy
an old copy second hand, but you would need to check carefully that you
are buying software that you may use legitimately.

Thank you for your reply. I just learned that Works Suite 2005 includes
Word 2002 (which should be Win98SE compatible) but the system requirements
for the Works Suite include a 700MHz
P3. One of the office PCs has a 450MHz P3. Do you know if Word 2002 from
Works Suite
could still run on it? I'm hoping it's a different application from the
suite that requires the 700MHz P3.

Also is the Works Suite version of Word network compatible (can documents be
sent to a network printer?)

Thanks again.


macropod said:
Some high-volume retailers are still selling Office 2000, which includes
Word 2000. Depending on where you go, you might also still be able to get
Word 2000 as a stand-alone app, or with Works.

Do you know of any reputable retailers still selling Office2000/Word2000? I
live in the US.

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