word art will not print



office 2007 although It looks ok in print preview it will only print the
back ground colour I have gone to options and and check the box for drawing
objects is ok. but it will still not print please help!!!!!

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi 1-2-1,

In the Windows control panel check the Accessibility settings to see if high contrast has been turned on.

In Office Button=>Word Options=>Display
turn on 'Print background colors and images'

In Office Button=>Word Options=>Advanced=>Print
see if 'Use draft quality' has ben switched on.

office 2007 although It looks ok in print preview it will only print the
back ground colour I have gone to options and and check the box for drawing
objects is ok. but it will still not print please help!!!!!>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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