Word as email editor crashes with attachments


Rayo K

I have Outlook 2003 with Word asthe email editor. When I tyr to attach a file
through the file dialog window, as soon as I click on a folder, the program
stops responding. restarting doesn't help. I can drag and drop a file and it
attaches tothe email with no problem. Please help.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

FWIW, from the Microsoft side a new Knowledge Base Article (KBA) was
released on Apr 15th.


It lists two known conflicts so far.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Rayo K asked:

| I have Outlook 2003 with Word asthe email editor. When I tyr to
| attach a file through the file dialog window, as soon as I click on a
| folder, the program stops responding. restarting doesn't help. I can
| drag and drop a file and it attaches tothe email with no problem.
| Please help.

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