Word as Email Editor + Smart Tags + Bad Attachment to URL


M. Hamilton

When sending out an email message without any attachment
through Outlook 2002 with Word as my email editor, I
received the following Returned mail message:

"This Message was undeliverable due to the following

Your message was rejected for the following reason:

5.7.1 The message sent matches a message profile of
a virus. Message Rejected. (Bad Attachment (3Dplace

After verifying that I had the latest virus def files
from Nortons and scanned my computer, it returned no
virus. I also searched Symantec site to see if any
viruses were referenced with this url & found nothing.

I searched the internet for any information on this url
and found little informaiton that explained to me how an
email I sent without an attachment could show one
attached referencing this URL.

On the actual above URL I found the following information
and wanted to verify that this information is accurate
and that the attachment is not something that I need to
worry about.

Q: Why is www.5iantlavalamp.com referenced within email
and Micorosoft Word?
A: My best guess is that it is a bug in Microsoft Office
2003. I found this to happen when a combination of
settings in Microsoft Office are turned on. It appears
to happen when someone creates an email with the options
in Outlook to use Microsoft Word as their email editor
with smart tags enabled in Microsoft Word. It was most
likely left by mistake from programmers testing the
Microsoft Office Suite applications. I will continue to
investigate it and post any new additional information
that I find.

Q: How does it appear within the email?
A: When emails are submitted via HTML format, you can
view the source by right mouse clicking on an email and
viewing the source. The smart tag has a reference that
looks like this:

<o:SmartTagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-
name="place" downloadurl="http://www.5iantlavalamp.com/"/>

Q: How does it appear within the Microsoft Word?
A: Smart tags are enable by default in Microsoft Word.
In a nutshell, smart tags in Word allows you to do
several things like, add a name to your contacts, view a
map if it references an address and there may be other
keywords that will direct you to this webpage.

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