Word as report engine??


Cathy Finnegan


I'm new to word and am having some trouble figuring out how to create a report template of several pages and loading
data from my SQL Server database into the appropriate sections of my report. The report requires that individual
columns from individual records be used in specific portions of the report. There are often in excess of 20 records
used for a report.

I've tried the mailmerge which doesn't work because I must either select a form letter or a label.
Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.




You don't have to use a form letter or labels sheet for mailmerge. You can
use *any* document. Check Help for the examples of using MailMerge to create
a catalog.

That said, it doesn't sound like a typical mailmerge application. Another
approach is to define the target sections of your document using fields or
bookmarks, then in code, read your SQL data and update the DocProperties or
bookmark ranges accordingly.

Cathy Finnegan said:

I'm new to word and am having some trouble figuring out how to create a
report template of several pages and loading
data from my SQL Server database into the appropriate sections of my
report. The report requires that individual
columns from individual records be used in specific portions of the
report. There are often in excess of 20 records

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