Word Attachment problems on local machine.



My manager came to me with this one.
When she opens a Word document, attached to a message, all the text is piled
up on top of each other. You can make out the letters (some of them) but
they're all stacked on top of each other.
I copied the attachment to my machine via a usb drive and it's fine.
She then forwarded another message with a word document that she's having
similar problem with, and I opened it without incident.
Is this being caused by some "Patch" that her machine may have that I
haven't touched yet?



I think I know what you are meaning...

Try this - when she opens the attachment, look on the toolbars (at the
Is there a button that says "Close" ?

If not, click on "View" and make sure it says "Normal" or "Print

Often when you open attachments in Outlook/Office 2003 it opens them in
something called "Reading View" which does not seem to work very well.

If not - what version of Outlook / Word is she using?

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