Word Auto Save



I do not have auto save selected in Word yet word
automatically saves documents even when not prompted.
When working in an existing document, changes made, don't
want to save, close the document, BAM it saves over the
previous document! Help!

Pat Garard

I'm guessing that you are using Word 95, because in recent
versions of Word the feature is renamed to 'Auto Recover'.
(It HAD to be renamed because Excel now has a GENUINE
Auto Save Addin).
Whatever it is called, it has NEVER been an 'Auto Save'. What
it did, and still does, is to create a temporary file where Word
saves all changes during editing. Each time the User Saves, the
file is flushed. When the Document is closed, the file is deleted.
IF there is a System Crash, Power Failure or the like, then the
file remains as it was. The next time Word is started, it will
Recover to where it last 'Auto-(whateverItIsCalled)'.
THE POINT IS that only the User can Save 'over the top'
of a file.
The one exception is a 'Save' performed by a Word Macro.
Such Saves are usually by design. It sounds as if you have a
'macro Virus'. A piece of malicious Visual Basic Code in a
template - probably the 'Normal' template.
Use Tools>Macro>Macros.
List the names of the Macros in the List, and POST back,
together with your versions of Word and Windows.
Hope this helps!

Pat Garard

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