I'm guessing that you are using Word 95, because in recent
versions of Word the feature is renamed to 'Auto Recover'.
(It HAD to be renamed because Excel now has a GENUINE
Auto Save Addin).
Whatever it is called, it has NEVER been an 'Auto Save'. What
it did, and still does, is to create a temporary file where Word
saves all changes during editing. Each time the User Saves, the
file is flushed. When the Document is closed, the file is deleted.
IF there is a System Crash, Power Failure or the like, then the
file remains as it was. The next time Word is started, it will
Recover to where it last 'Auto-(whateverItIsCalled)'.
THE POINT IS that only the User can Save 'over the top'
of a file.
The one exception is a 'Save' performed by a Word Macro.
Such Saves are usually by design. It sounds as if you have a
'macro Virus'. A piece of malicious Visual Basic Code in a
template - probably the 'Normal' template.
Use Tools>Macro>Macros.
List the names of the Macros in the List, and POST back,
together with your versions of Word and Windows.
Hope this helps!
Pat Garard