Word Automatic Image manipulation


Anselm Griffiths

I am using word automation to add header tags to thousands
of rtf documents. It is working fine on files without
images, but the formatting is very off for the one with
images. I really do not need these images in the documents
and would now like to strip this image from the files
using some sort of file automation. If anyone can give me
any suggestions on how to do this I would appreciate it
very much. Thanks for your time.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Anselm,

Are you talking about automating WORD to manipulate these
files a Word documents (then saving back to RTF format)? Or
are you talking about working in the RTF text stream?
I am using word automation to add header tags to thousands
of rtf documents. It is working fine on files without
images, but the formatting is very off for the one with
images. I really do not need these images in the documents
and would now like to strip this image from the files
using some sort of file automation. If anyone can give me
any suggestions on how to do this I would appreciate it
very much.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

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