Word Automation DocumentVariables




Using Word 2000 and automating with VB

I am utilising Document variables to fill in data in a word document. all is
fine until I come to try and insert a multi line field i.e.

I have a field {DOCVARIABLE "Address" \* MERGEFORMAT}

and from vb I am setting the value as

Selection.Document.Variables("Address") = myObj.Address

The code in myObj is roughly

Public Function Address() as string
Address="1 The Street"
Address=Address & vbCrLf & "Some Town"
End Function

However in the resulting document vbCrLf is replaced with 'squares'

Anyone any idea how to make it wrap?



I run into the same problem...then I have to do a search
and replace for vbLf and replace with nothing


Hi all,

Thanks the CrLf was the problem although it was masked by the fact that the
field was in table cell and wou;d only do multiple lines if it was
terminated with a return

As a side issue I tried using Selection.Document.Variables("Address") =
CleanString(myObj.Address) but that sometimes failed with word saying it was
busy so I ended up using Selection.Document.Variables("Address") =


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