Hi there,
I have followed the steps in the MS article 288367 to enable
Word to run from a web page. I have done this several times and it has
worked OK. However, at a customer site I am getting the following error:
Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server. The server is
{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}. This AppId is the Word.Application
object which the article does not mention, it only talks about the
Word.Document object. You have to create the Application object before you
can create the Document object, so does the Application need the same DCOM
settings to be applied to it?
I have followed the steps in the MS article 288367 to enable
Word to run from a web page. I have done this several times and it has
worked OK. However, at a customer site I am getting the following error:
Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server. The server is
{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}. This AppId is the Word.Application
object which the article does not mention, it only talks about the
Word.Document object. You have to create the Application object before you
can create the Document object, so does the Application need the same DCOM
settings to be applied to it?