Word automation using VB6



I have a client who uses my VB6 application. My VB6 app will control word
through automation, it will open a document based on a template, fill in some
form fields, and then allow the user to take control of the document. Once
they are finished they click a button back on the VB6 application which saves
the document through automation and continues. My problem is that this
client seems to have a lot of problems with Microsoft Word lock ups. My
other clients using the same application don't have this problem. I suspect
that they may be running their own macros during their editing of the
document that interferes with the automation that is currently running under
the covers. Are there any system error logs I can look at? How should I go
about diagnosing this word lock up problem? Thanks in advance. By the way,
I have made sure they are up to date with the Microsoft Word office updates
through the Microsoft website.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?YmVudGhhbmdlckBvbmxpbmUubm9zcGFt?=,
I have a client who uses my VB6 application. My VB6 app will control word
through automation, it will open a document based on a template, fill in some
form fields, and then allow the user to take control of the document. Once
they are finished they click a button back on the VB6 application which saves
the document through automation and continues. My problem is that this
client seems to have a lot of problems with Microsoft Word lock ups. My
other clients using the same application don't have this problem. I suspect
that they may be running their own macros during their editing of the
document that interferes with the automation that is currently running under
the covers. Are there any system error logs I can look at?
Not unless you write them...
How should I go
about diagnosing this word lock up problem?
That's difficult... If your app picks up a running Word application, ask the
user to start Word in "safe mode" (I can't tell you how to best do that without
knowing the version of Word involved). In "safe mode", no addins will be loaded,
nor will the user have the macros in their Normal.dot template. If your app runs
with no problems in this environment, then you know it's something to do with
Word (and not something running under Windows, such as a file management

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


You might check that the client does not have another instance of Wor
running when the click on your application. I've had similar problem
when I started a VB6 app that controlled Word and there was anothe
open instance of Word. Word id not lock up, but it put inputted tex
into some pretty wierd places that took a lot of searching to find

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