Word Automation with VBScript



I am using VBScript for a very simple Word automation task, which consists in opening a HTML file and saving it as a Word document. In order to generate a standalone document, I need to break the links of all InlineShapes, so that they are saved along with the document. From Word, I do this using menu "Edit->Links", selecting all files, and using the "Break Link" button, which is very fast. From VBScript, I tried looping through the InlineShapes and using LinkFormat.BreakLink, which works, but it takes ages when the document has plenty of links. Does anyone know how I can perform the same task as when using "BreakLink" button from the "Edit->Links" dialog box, from VBScript?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?QmVybmFyZEc=?=,
I am using VBScript for a very simple Word automation task, which consists in opening a
HTML file and saving it as a Word document. In order to generate a standalone document, I
need to break the links of all InlineShapes, so that they are saved along with the document.
From Word, I do this using menu "Edit->Links", selecting all files, and using the "Break
Link" button, which is very fast. From VBScript, I tried looping through the InlineShapes
and using LinkFormat.BreakLink, which works, but it takes ages when the document has plenty
of links. Does anyone know how I can perform the same task as when using "BreakLink" button
from the "Edit->Links" dialog box, from VBScript?No, but since these are INLINEshapes, you might try simply unlinking the field that's
maintaining the link. that would probably be faster.


Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

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