From: "John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]" <
[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2005 16:12:16 +1000
Conversation: Word Autotext and Entourage contacts
Subject: Re: Word Autotext and Entourage contacts
Hi Roger:
Hopefully Paul will be along in a moment to give you a definitive answer,
but yes, my understanding is that the Autocomplete tips are now stored in
the Office Address Book, which is part of the Entourage database and shares
its data with the Entourage Contacts List.
If you use Organiser to look in your Normal template, you will see the
AutoText entries listed for each contact. However, they're fictitious: the
"entries" are not actually "in" the Normal Template, and hence, the macro
can't access them.
It's not reliable looking in either a document or a template with a text
editor: a lot of the content of either is not text, it's binary) In this
case, I think the "AutoText" is actually a binary pointer into the Entourage
To stop the AutoComplete tips is easy: Use Tools>Autocorrect>Autotext and
check the checkbox labelled "Exclude contacts".
Deleting the AutoText entries is also easy: they are dynamically generated
and will go away when you uncheck the box.
To remove a given entry, use either the Office Address Book or Entourage
Contacts to delete the record for that person. You will delete the entire
contact, of course.
Hope this helps
Hi John,
I wonder if that still works with Word 11.1 (OS 10.3.9)
I tried the macro to delete my AutoText entries but it reports :
"0 contacts deleted"
even though the Normal template did contain a whole lot of contacts.
But - On starting to type names (which are in the entourage DB) Word
does offer to auto complete. (I don't use the term "AutoText" because I
don't know whether it is that or not)
I have a copy of Normal without any contacts and copied/renamed things
so that it became the active Normal. Examining this with Tex-Edit Plus
confirmed no contact names at all.
But - again on starting to type names Word does still offer to auto
complete - so where do the completion offers come from? - still not in
Normal, I quit and checked again.
I have found that deleting* the Entourage Main Identity Database *does*
prevent any auto complete offering. (*kept a backup of course)
Does Word now access the DB directly without copying into Normal?
Or - am I missing something?
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410