word behaving badly - going bold and bullets



on a new document i make a sentence bold or add a bullet
to a sentence and it effects everything - what should do
i do?

Shauna Kelly

Hi Paul

The style you're using (probably Normal) has probably been set to update

In versions of Word before 2002, Format > Styles > Modify. Un-tick
Automatically Update. Tick Add to Template.

In Word 2002, Format > Styles and Formatting. In the Styles and
Formatting task pane, a style will be highlighted. Right-click on that
and choose Modify. Un-tick Automatically Updated. Tick Add to Template.

If, when quitting Word, you're asked whether you want to save
normal.dot, say yes.

For an explanation of what's gone wrong and why this fix works, see

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia

DK Pfeiffer[MSFT]

The response to this post appears correct.

DK Pfeiffer
Microsoft Technical Support for Business Applications

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