Chen Shen
Hey, I have retail Office 2007 Ult installed on this machine, but the
bibliography styles (APA, MLA, etc) are missing from word's references
panel. I googled and there's nothing there, I also tried repairing the
installation, and nothing. So I looked through the installation CD and I
think I've found the XSL files, and I dropped them into 'C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Bibliography\Style' but they're still not
showing up. Anyone know how to fix it? Thanks!
bibliography styles (APA, MLA, etc) are missing from word's references
panel. I googled and there's nothing there, I also tried repairing the
installation, and nothing. So I looked through the installation CD and I
think I've found the XSL files, and I dropped them into 'C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Bibliography\Style' but they're still not
showing up. Anyone know how to fix it? Thanks!