OliverG, Jr.
All organizations consolidate and abstract information for higher levels of
management. In individual reports, text under a section heading can be
selected and Insert > Bookmark enables that text to be brough into another
document using Insert > Field. Inserting fields pointing to multiple status
reports enables consolidation of information, section by section. However,
this process is not described in help, MSDN, or the web. The bookmark and
field help entries need to be more helpful. Only by accident I discovered
that selecting the whole consolidating document and right clicking, I got the
opportunity to Update fields.
After success on my HP laptop, I attached individual status reports and the
consolidating report to an assistant. On her Dell desktop machine, the
Update field process failed. Back on my machine, the process now failed. I
created a new test report and consolidation report; the process worked, and
when I tried the Update field on the real files, the Update field process
then succeeded. Similarly, on her machine, creating new test report and
consolidation report worked, after which the real files updated
Automating the consolidation of information would speed the delivery of
information to the level where it is actionalble, and effort would be reduced
in organizations world-wide.
management. In individual reports, text under a section heading can be
selected and Insert > Bookmark enables that text to be brough into another
document using Insert > Field. Inserting fields pointing to multiple status
reports enables consolidation of information, section by section. However,
this process is not described in help, MSDN, or the web. The bookmark and
field help entries need to be more helpful. Only by accident I discovered
that selecting the whole consolidating document and right clicking, I got the
opportunity to Update fields.
After success on my HP laptop, I attached individual status reports and the
consolidating report to an assistant. On her Dell desktop machine, the
Update field process failed. Back on my machine, the process now failed. I
created a new test report and consolidation report; the process worked, and
when I tried the Update field on the real files, the Update field process
then succeeded. Similarly, on her machine, creating new test report and
consolidation report worked, after which the real files updated
Automating the consolidation of information would speed the delivery of
information to the level where it is actionalble, and effort would be reduced
in organizations world-wide.