Word cannot recover Building Blocks.dotx


Sesquipedalian Sam

While I was trying to get a multi-section document to restart page
numbering in each section, Word crashed. When is finished trying to
recover, I got the message that it was unable to recover the document
"Building Blocks.dotx".

It doesn't sound like this is a good thing.

Do I need to do something? Word offered no hlep.

Sesquipedalian Sam

While I was trying to get a multi-section document to restart page
numbering in each section, Word crashed. When is finished trying to
recover, I got the message that it was unable to recover the document
"Building Blocks.dotx".

It doesn't sound like this is a good thing.

Do I need to do something? Word offered no hlep.

Damn. The document that I was editing when Word crashed had 20-30
images that I painfully created. Now they all show as blank white

It this a setting that I can change back or are all of these images

Sesquipedalian Sam

To recover a damaged Building Blocks.dotx file, just exit Word and delete
the file. It will be recreated the next time you start Word. Observe that
you should *only* delete the Building Blocks.dotx file found in your user
profile (not the one in the Program Files folder).

This just happened again. You instructions must have worked back in
December. This time, I only seem to have one Building Blocks.dotx.
It's in this folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application
Data\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033

It is OK to delete (or rename) that one?

Is this problem (graphics displaing as white boxes) related to the
damaged file?

Stefan Blom

Sesquipedalian Sam said:
This just happened again. You instructions must have worked back in
December. This time, I only seem to have one Building Blocks.dotx.
It's in this folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application
Data\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033

It is OK to delete (or rename) that one?

Yes, that is the correct file.
Is this problem (graphics displaing as white boxes) related to the
damaged file?

I can't imagine that these issues could be related.

Sesquipedalian Sam

Yes, that is the correct file.

I was concerned because you and others made a point of only deleting
my personal copy, not the system copy. Search only turns up one copy,
the one in the folder above.

Furthermore, I closed Word (and all Office apps), renamed that file,
and restarted Word. It did not create another Building Blocks.dotx
file. Now I don't have any copies on my system.

Do I need to download a new copy from somewhere? If so, where?
I can't imagine that these issues could be related.

Well, this error has occurred twice. Once back in December and once
last week. Both times, by graphics settings got changes at the same
time so that images were displayed as white boxes. Both times, I had
been working on several files containing lots of images. They
displayed properly just before the error and wrong right after.

Doesn't seem like a coincidence.

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