Brenda wrote:
Word Cannot start the converter mswrd632.wpc
Since the latest security updates, we are now getting this error whenever w
open a word document
Any ideas or suggestions?
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Word Cannot start the converter mswrd632.wpc
Since the latest security updates, we are now getting this error whenever w
open a word document
Any ideas or suggestions?
Hi, Brenda,See if this helps:
Hi, Brenda
See if this helps
If not, please post back with your version of Word and Windows
Susan Ramle
please reply to the newsgroup so all may benefit.
Word cannot start the converter mswrd632
Have a look at the link :
There are 2 solutions. If you don't want your machine to be vulnerable then just go ahead with this option:
When a file has the ".doc" file name extension, but the content is a plain text file or another kind of file that is not a Microsoft Word binary file, and that file is opened in Microsoft Word, you may receive the following error message up to three times before Microsoft Office Word successfully opens the file:
Word cannot start the converter mswrd632
To resolve this issue, an affected user can unregister the mswrd632 converter by editing the registry as follows:
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Text Converters\Import\MSWord6.wpc
On the Edit menu, click Delete.
Click Yes.
Exit Registry Editor.
This change will effectively unregister the converter and disable it for third-party applications and for Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office will use its own text converters to open these kinds of files.
make the change, but Microsoft Word opens documents with lots of
make the change, but Microsoft Word opens documents with lots of littl
pictures (drawings)
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