Word ComboBox Mouse Scroll Button Within



I have small nuisance occuring. When I select the dropdown arrow
in combobox and move mouse to within combobox contents, I can't use the mouse
scroll wheel to scroll through the list of items. It's seems to be still set
to page focus or something since page actually scrolls and my
combobox dropdown list stays under mouse curser (page scrolls behind
dropdown list??)

Any suggestions to fix this would be appreciated.


Might be a mouse buttons preference setup. Many multi-button mice come with
software to setup what each button will do in each application or program
that has focus of that it is hovering over. You might have to set the scroll
wheel to act like a down arrow key or page down key while it is working in
Another thing is to use myUserForm.show by itself and not use the modeless
method of .show. So that the userform maintains focus until closed.
Does any of this work for you?



I've been through all the mouse settings and also tried this on several
machines at my facility. They all act the same. Even a fill-in-form from an
outside vendor acts the same way with mouse scroll wheel.

I guess I don't quite understand the "UserForm" thing. I am not a programmer
by far and have only begun to write a little vba for Word and Excel. I have
written a lot of AutoLisp for AutoCad.

I have developed a document template since I thought that's what you were
supposed to use. This template is launched as a new document via menu select
button for each of my Supervisors. It contains many bulletted pre-heading
paragraphs relating to each area of the facility. Once the template is
opened, Supervisor selects, via ComboBoxes, his(her) name, Shift Name, Shift
Schedule and then fills in whatever informatian is required for their
respective shift. He(she) then chooses a command button located on document
to "save" and if finished, one to "close & e-mail" his(her) filled in
document. The "save" function concantenates the ComboBox selections and a
field code for create date into the file name and saves a copy onto our
server for future reference. The "close & e-mail" button closes Word and
launches a new e-mail with the saved document attached.

I tell you all this because I don't know what a userform is, I always
thought it was a template (*.dot) and mine works completely fine except for
the scrolling of mouse middle wheel within a ComboBox dropdown field. It just
won't work. How can I change this into a userform?? or is that a stupid
quetion?? and will that fix my scrolling mouse wheel issue??


Sorry to hear that nothing you tried will work the scroll wheel the right
way for you.
Does your document with formfields have to be in the protected mode in order
to enter information in the fields manually? If you went into the VBA Editor
to create what you created, then it probably was an userform and not a
document with formfields.
It is a common mistake to mix up the names of a userform dialog and a
document with formfields, which usually has to be in the protected state to
work manually. They share similar object names, like textbox. The objects
embedded in documents are activex based, from what I understand; so the
MacWord doesn't use all of them, I think.
Userform dialogs pop up when the .show method is used. In Word VBA Editor,
go to menu Insert/Userform to start one. Then use the menu View/Toolbox, if
the Toolbox doesn't appear right away. From the Toolbox you can click on an
object and then drag a box shape where you want it, like you do for your
formfield objects. When an object on the userform is selected, the
Properties box will show the parameters that you can change manually or by
VBA code. Each userform has event subroutines, too, like a button's click
event. To test a userform, use Run, while a form is selected, just like
Running a subroutine. A dialog will appear, looking like a window, with a
close button in the upper corner. A userform dialog can gather and display
information and send information to bookmarks or fields in a document with a
template attached.
You could use both a userform dialog and a document with formfields, by
popping up an userform dialog to get information; and have it
'auto-populate' the textfields and checkboxes on a formfield document.
Give a try, when you want to experiment.

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