Jared L
I have designed a form in Word 2002 using the Control Toolbox. I save it as
a normal document (not a template). The problem is that occassionally when
I open the document, I get an error: "Can't exit design mode because
Control [Some Control Name] can not be created." The Control Toolbar is
then visible with the design button depressed.
When I click on the control in question, the status line says, "Double-click
to edit Microsoft Forms 2.0 [Some Control Type]." The odd thing is that if
I keep clicking different controls, eventually the message in the Status Box
If I close and open the document several times, eventually the document will
open without error.
I'm guessing that Word is treating the control in question as a Microsoft
Forms control and not an ActiveX control. In other words, as the type of
control you add with the Forms Toolbar and not the Control Toolbar. If that
is correct, how do you keep Word from confusing the two types of controls?
I don't want the end-user to see the error message and Control Toolbar when
he or she opens the file.
---Jared L
a normal document (not a template). The problem is that occassionally when
I open the document, I get an error: "Can't exit design mode because
Control [Some Control Name] can not be created." The Control Toolbar is
then visible with the design button depressed.
When I click on the control in question, the status line says, "Double-click
to edit Microsoft Forms 2.0 [Some Control Type]." The odd thing is that if
I keep clicking different controls, eventually the message in the Status Box
If I close and open the document several times, eventually the document will
open without error.
I'm guessing that Word is treating the control in question as a Microsoft
Forms control and not an ActiveX control. In other words, as the type of
control you add with the Forms Toolbar and not the Control Toolbar. If that
is correct, how do you keep Word from confusing the two types of controls?
I don't want the end-user to see the error message and Control Toolbar when
he or she opens the file.
---Jared L