Okay, lovely. I'll assume you can handle a lot of explanation.
Ask if
something doesn't make sense. I'm not totally sure about file types either,
so I'm going to offer various options, in hopes you will let us know what
**Custom Dictionaries
MacWord uses a custom dictionary text file just like WinWord does.
Certainly, you can transfer your custom entries by copying and pasting the
text from your Win text file to a dictionary file created on the Mac. But
it would obviously be a lot faster to just move the files and then tell Word
to use them as custom dictionaries. But I don't know if that works, not
sure if MacWord will read a .dic file that WinWord created.
If you want to test moving the files themselves, then you can put them
anywhere you want on the Mac. Somewhere you back up regularly would be a
good idea. Move the files with Word shut down. Then launch Word, go to
Word>Preferences>Spelling and Grammar, click on Dictionaries, click Add,
navigate to the files and load your files as Custom Dictionaries. Make sure
you check the box in the list of dictionaries to activate them. See if it
If that doesn't work, then you will need to go the copy and paste text
route. In that case, you need to create a custom dictionary.
Word>Preferences>Spelling and Grammar, click on Dictionaries, click New, and
create a dictionary to copy the text into. Again, save it anywhere you
regularly back up.
(Um, there's currently a bug, you can't have an exclude dictionary in
MacWord 2004, hope you don't need to bring one of those over. Or a Spanish
custom dictionary, hope you didn't need one of those either).
**Macros and Toolbars
The macros and toolbars are stored in templates. By default, they are
stored in WinWord Normal.dot, the Normal template. You *definitely* DO NOT
want to just install your WinWord Normal.dot as the Normal template in
MacWord, cause Normal has all kinds of special properties and you don't want
to mess with it like that (and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work). But it
might be possible to take your Normal.dot from WinWord, rename it, and
install it as a global template in MacWord without problems. I know you
could do that with a MacWord-created Normal, but I don't know about a
WinWord-created Normal.dot. Actually, on second thought, I think that would
be a bad idea regardless--I'm not sure what would happen with any custom
keyboard shortcuts, I could see that getting very screwy.
So I would suggest you go the slow route, and open up the WinWord
Normal.dot, create and open a new template in MacWord, and use the Organizer
to transfer the macros and toolbars from one template to another. However,
in this case it would be better to create a global template in MacWord to
hold the macros and toolbars, rather than to copy the macros into Normal,
because Normal has a tendency to randomly corrupt.
If your Win macros and toolbars are *already* in a custom global template
instead of Normal.dot, you should be able to use that same file as a global
template in MacWord. .doc and .dot file types are the same on MacWord and
WinWord (but Normal.dot is a special file type, don't mess with it).
So basically, you can choose whether you want to experiment with the quicker
ways (moving the files themselves), or the slow routes (moving the contents
from a Win-created file to a Mac-created file).
To create a global template in MacWord, see the first part of this article:
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)
The Organizer works the same way in MacWord and WinWord, so if you have used
it before, you're fine. It's under Tools>Macros. If you have never used
it, see the procedure here:
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)
Ignore the first few steps re navigating to Normal--just double-click your
WinWord Normal.dot and the new GlobalTemplate you just created in the
Finder, and that will open both the files. Then use the Organizer to copy
from one to the other.
On the off chance you don't know where your Normal.dot is in WinWord, you
can see here:
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)
Okay, see how that goes. Obviously, I skipped the part where you moved the
file from the Windows computer to the Mac computer, cause presumably you've
got that all figured out. Make sure you actually copy the files onto the
hard drive, however, and that they are not read-only.
Holding off on AutoCorrect for now because that's tricky, best to get the
other stuff sorted first.