Word Count of selection stops after several selections



I have used the word count by selection but after a few selections, the
number of words/total in document in the status bar below changes back to
JUST the total number of words in the document. Why?

Pesach Shelnitz


You didn't say which version of Word you are using, but from your
description, it seems to me that you are using Word 2007. When you select a
block of text in Word 2007, the status bar shows number of words/total in
document. If you extend the selection, Word will update the number of words
in the selection. If you use your mouse to make a new selection by clicking
on a new location and holding down the left-hand mouse button until you
finish making your selection, Word will also update the number of words in
your selection. However, if you click on a new location and release the mouse
button before making a selection, the number of words in the previous
selection will vanish. Select a new block of text, and Word will show the
number of words/total in document in the status bar for that selection.

By the way, you can see additional statistics about a selection by selecting
a block of text and pressing Ctrl+Shift+G.


Thanks Pesach,
Yes I am using Word 2007.
Your response didn't address my problem but I think I figured it out.
My problem was not that the count didn't work for a FEW selections...made
holding CTRL and selecting non-adjacent passages. That worked fine up to a
point. But then sometimes on the 5th or sixth selection or the 8th or 9th,
the status line would no longer show the word count in the multiple
selections. It just showed the total word count in the document as if
nothing were selected. I tried to see if it was due to some unusual
character in the text, or some total. Finally I found that although I was
SHOWING only the FINAL markup, the behind the scenes deletions and changes
were apparently keeping the word count from working properly. When I
accepted all changes in the document, the problem went away. I don't know if
MS has documented this, but it was frustrating for 24 hours.

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