Thanks for the links. I did read the exchanges started by
Min's posts, but there seem to be differences (and lots of
similarities). In my case, it doesn't depend on the size
of the document. Nor the document itself as this seems to
happen at one time or another with any document, almost
randomly. (I even opened one of the cpu-affecting
documents at another computer with similar specs and the
same thing happened: 100% cpu.)
1. In 'general', when I open up a blank document and type
something up (less than 5 pages), the cpu is normal.
2. In the past, copy-pasting the document into wordpad
then recopying it into word made the cpu go back to
normal. Now, this has no effect.
3. A document that didn't trigger cpu-power to 100% will,
all of a sudden (usually after about 8 pages of single-
spaced text at size 12 in Times New Roman font) trigger
the cpu to full power. As soon as this happened, i used
the 'undo' button to go back a few letters. The cpu power
went back to normal. I then used the 'redo' button to go
forward a couple of letter again. The cpu shot back up.
This means that I cannot modify my documents after a
certain point...
I've tried isolating larger documents that trigger the cpu
by cutting it down to smaller documents, but this seems
futile due to what I've described in '3.'
Right now, I have spell/grammar check, automatic
capitalization/correction, '--' to a single dash, etc.
tools all turned off. To no effect.
At your suggestion, I also tried opening word
with 'winword a/' (this and other suggestions were also
mentioned in the thread started by Min), but still had cpu
go up to 100%.
It seems to be a general phenomenon with word, impossible
to isolate. I have no plug-ins, macros turned off, etc.
and my text has no graphics, html, etc.