Word Crashes When I Start Program



When I start Word (MS Office 2003) it crashes. All the other programs
Excel, PP, etc seem to work OK. Using XP SP2 and Office SP2. At
crash I get the following message:

Microsoft Office Word has encountered a problem and needs to close. We
are sorry for the inconvenience. Please tell.........
AppName winword.exe AppVer 11.0.8106.0 AppStamp 44f8a192
ModName mso.dll Modver 11.0.8107.0 ModStamp 4500cb64
fDebug 0 Offset 00039199

Any help would be appreciated

Terry Farrell

Looks like a corrupt printer driver. Try deleting the printer and
reinstalling (make sure it is the latest driver though).


Have tried the printer driver, but will try again. When I used MS
Works 2000 Word previously, it did not crash but the fan/drive would
kick in when the mouse/cursor was on the page - ie. when the
mouse/pointer was over the Menu Bar(File, Edit, etc) the unit would
return to normal. I am at work now but if my memory is correct, Word
2003 acts similar - I have been able to open a file but as soon as I
move the pointer onto the page and the cursor is flashing, the program
crashes. Hope this info helps.

Terry Farrell

It could still be the printer driver.


kennwendy said:
Have tried the printer driver, but will try again. When I used MS
Works 2000 Word previously, it did not crash but the fan/drive would
kick in when the mouse/cursor was on the page - ie. when the
mouse/pointer was over the Menu Bar(File, Edit, etc) the unit would
return to normal. I am at work now but if my memory is correct, Word
2003 acts similar - I have been able to open a file but as soon as I
move the pointer onto the page and the cursor is flashing, the program
crashes. Hope this info helps.


Installed the latest drivers & firmware from Brother and still no luck.
Any other thoughts?

Terry Farrell

Try to see if it starts OK in Safe Mode. Hold down the Control key when
launching Word. Does it open OK now?



It opens just like before then crashes.
Terry said:
Try to see if it starts OK in Safe Mode. Hold down the Control key when
launching Word. Does it open OK now?


Terry Farrell

Run Office Setup (from the Control Panel) and select Repair. Does that
resolve the issue?

Terry Farrell

Have you checked for viruses and malware? Are your PCs patched up to date
(both Windows and Office)? If you open a blank document and don't type, does
Word still crash?



Everything up to date thru Windows download center. AVG Pro, Defender,
Spy-Bot & AdAware show nothing. Crashes on blank document EXCEPT when
I move the cursor over File, Edit etc. When I move the cursor back
onto the page it crashes.

Terry Farrell

Well we eliminated the printer driver: try updating the graphics driver. If
it is an Intel or similar integrated graphics chip, go to the Intel or
appropriate manufacturers' site to download the latest driver.


Beth Melton

If the error continues to occur when you start Word in Safe Mode then
does it occur when you start Windows in Safe Mode?

Also, you noted you updated your printer driver but is it a network
printer and do you have the printer driver installed locally on your
computer? If you are using a network printer and if the printer driver
is on the network and unavailable then Word will crash when starting
because it's querying the printer driver and it can not be found. If
it's not a network printer then is it turned on? We've encountered
this issue with a few printers as well.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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