Word Crashes when inserting a picture.


Cali Tech

word 2002 w/ sp3 on xp home 1gb of memory

When I go to insert, picture from file, and then open dialog box comes up i
get a error screen saying word encountered an error.

here are the details.
AppName: winword.exe AppVer: 10.0.6612.0 ModName: comctl32.dll
ModVer: 5.82.2900.2982 Offset: 00061d13

I have uninstalled all office products and reinstalled office and the error
still happens.
Any clues on where to start?

Terry Farrell

comctl32.dll is a Windows GUI library file and you probably have more than
one version installed or you need to update it. Have you run Microsoft
Update and checked that both Windows and Office are fully patched? If you
have, I suggest that you post this problem to a Windows newsgroup as it is a
Windows problem. If it was my system, I'd run the Windows Console from the
boot disk and run a Windows Repair - but the Windows guys may have a simpler

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