Word crashing after 6/9 Secy. Update install



I'm running Mac 0SX Tiger 10.4.11 on Power PC G5 and recently
downloaded Microsoft's latest security patch for release 11.5.5 of my
Home Office version of Word. Suddenly, double-clicking on a Word doc's
icon to open it causes Word to become "nonresponsive" within a few
seconds, and the program has to be force-quit, leaving the doc

Any suggestions? I believe the answer lies in Preferences, but my
attempted modifications there have proven less than successful.

Thanks in advance for any light someone can shed on this!

John McGhie

Simply repairing permissions and restarting the computer may solve that one.

Use disk utility to repair permissions on the boot drive, then shut down to

When you restart, OS 10 will do a lot of housekeeping (so the startup will
be slow) but that may fix it.

Then run Microsoft's Software Update again and see if you are missing
something else. I had some issues on this box until the day before
yesterday when Apple put out a patch that cleared them up.

Otherwise, it's your Launch Services database that is likely to have fallen
over to produce this problem, not your preferences.

Post back if Repair Permissions doesn't fix it.


I'm running Mac 0SX Tiger 10.4.11 on Power PC G5 and recently
downloaded Microsoft's latest security patch for release 11.5.5 of my
Home Office version of Word. Suddenly, double-clicking on a Word doc's
icon to open it causes Word to become "nonresponsive" within a few
seconds, and the program has to be force-quit, leaving the doc

Any suggestions? I believe the answer lies in Preferences, but my
attempted modifications there have proven less than successful.

Thanks in advance for any light someone can shed on this!

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matters unless you intend to pay!


John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]