Word crashing upon re-use of a template



We use a template form developed in Word 2000 to indicate nursing actions
needed for a given client. The template contains over 200 Form Fields. Some
are Text or Drop-Down Form Fields, but most are Check Box Form Fields which
run a macro on exit that turns the “Xes†red. Form Fields are embedded
within a series of tables set side-by-side in a two-column format for most of
the form so that the user can fill out the left-hand side of the page before
moving onto the right-hand side. Once the template is filled out, the
finished document is saved under the client’s name.

The template works great the first time it is used. However, when the
clinical information needs to be updated the previously-saved form for that
client is opened, renamed with “Save As†and the changes made. Within less
than a minute, the screen flickers momentarily, and then the entire Word
program crashes, losing all data changed to that point. Using a brand new
template for each update is an option, but it means having to re-enter all
the duplicate information – name, address, phone, diagnosis, allergies, etc.,
rather than just changing the date and moving on to the clinical data.

I’d appreciate any ideas as to why this is happening and how it might be


Suzanne S. Barnhill

You should not be using a form document as a "template." Instead create a
real template (*.dot file) and create new documents based on that instead.


Terminology misunderstanding, perhaps. The template I am using is a *.dot
file, but it makes extenisve use of Form Fields -- Text Form Fields,
Drop-Down Form Fields, and (primarily) Check Box Form Fields.


Dear Suzanne:

Semantics. I don't speak "hairdresser," either;-)

Just to clarify, the *.dot template in question is not unstable in and of
itself. It is when the user opens a previously created and saved document
that was based on the the *.dot template that the program crashes.

For example: On Aug. 1 user created a document based on the *.dot template
in question (by using File, New and selecting the *.dot template.) User
fills out all the form fields and saves the resulting document. On Aug 24
the client's clinical status changes slightly. Most of the info from the
Aug. 1 saved document is still applicable, but we have to keep the Aug 1
document intact for tracking purposes, so the user opens the Aug. 1 document,
does a "Save As" and changes the date (which is part of the filename) to Aug
24. She then begins to change the few fields that are appropriate, checking
some boxes and unchecking others. THAT is when the program crashes. It does
NOT crash upon the initial use of the *.dot template on Aug. 1.

With the above scenario in mind, do you still advise me to "unlink all the
fields before saving the files, then just edit text manually when updates are
necessary." in order to avoid a Word crash? Please understand that I did not
knowingly link the form fields in the *.dot template in question, unless they
are automatically linked upon creation -- in which case I do not know how to
unlink them.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Okay, let's go back to the beginning. When you create a protected form
template, it contains form fields. When you create a document based on that
template, it still contains form fields. When you type data into those form
fields, they're still fields. They're not really "linked" to anything;
they're just fields. When we speak of "unlinking" fields, we mean that we
are making them inactive, converting them to plain text so that they don't
function as fields any more. If you unlink these fields (using
Ctrl+Shift+F9), then they will be converted to plain text. In order to edit
the document, you would also have to unprotect it, and then you would just
type over the existing information to change it or add new text by insertion
as you would in any ordinary Word document.

I agree that all this sounds very unsatisfactory and unnecessary, but I also
don't understand why you would be having trouble opening a protected form
document and trying to change the values of some of the form fields. Perhaps
someone else will have some more ideas.

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