Word Crashing



It seems that once ever few weeks i try to open word x and it crashes
on me. the only way to fix it is to reinstall as far as i know. I am
traveling on business right now anyone have any other sugeesstions on
how to remedy this?

Jeff Weinberg

Andrew, I've had the same problem before. Then I reinstalled Word. But,
someone mentioned to me that all I had to do was delete the preference files
for Word, restart it, and let it rebuild those files for you. I have not
tried this approach yet, but it has worked for a couple of other programs I
use that suddenly acted funny. You may want to save the preference files
off to another folder for future reference.

Good luck.


Dayo Mitchell

Other things to check, aside from the Prefs file:

The Normal template (in ~:Apps: Office: Templates)

The Word Font cache

The Carbon Registration Database

With Word quit, trash or rename, all will be automatically recreated when
Word launches again. For the Normal template and the Prefs file, you want
to RENAME rather than trash them, as they hold customizations. If the
problem persists with a new Prefs file, you can just delete the new one and
rename the old one back to the standard name. With Normal, even if the
problem stops and Normal appears to have caused it, you can copy many of
your old customizations into the new Normal via the Organizer in Word. The
Font cache and Carbon Registration Database can just be deleted.

You should also check if you have any add-ins in the Word Startup Folder
that may be causing conflicts--remove them all and replace one by one.

Andrew, if Word is crashing on opening, the problem may be fonts. This link
includes a link to the procedure for that:

(but you can't view it in Safari, sorry) The page will also lead you to
detailed instructions for the procedures above.


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