Word creates 'new' window but does not close



I have Office 2003 on Windows XP Pro. Outlook mode is Corporate/Workgroup.
MS Word is my email editor as well. Whenever I either create a new email or
Word document a secondary Word doc opens up. If I create a new document with
Word, the second window closes after Word is closed. If I am sending a
message, the window remains open until either I close Outlook or use Task
Manager to end the process (which runs at about 40MB).

I typically leave Outlook running, so having to close Outlook everytime I
send a message is not practical, and I dont want to open Task Manager every
time I send a message either. I know that I dont have a virus, I have
uninstalled Office, and have removed any applications that I may have
installed since the problem started (including updates). the problem
remains. I have created a new normal.dot by renaming the original and
opening Word too.

Any ideas will be GREATLY appreciated!


Charles Kenyon

Idea: Stop using Word as your email editor.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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