Word "dirty bit" event macro?


Jorge Telman

I would like to change the titlebar of my word documents to reflect their
modification state. Either they are dirty or clean (changed, or unchanged
since last save).

Example titlebar:
c:\doc\filename (modified)
c:\doc\filename (unmodified)

This is how wordperfect looks, and it helps to know when a document needs
saving or not.

Is there an event I can tap into to do this?

I can set a timer to loop forever and check the saved property of the
document, but this doesn't seem like the right way to do it.

Any pointers would be appreciated.


No, there's no easy way to do this in Word. Why not turn on AutoSave and
make the question irrelevant?

Martin Seelhofer

Hey there

Well the timer-approach does not seem *that* bad to me
when using Application.OnTime:

' flag used to stop the macro from running
Dim isRunning As Boolean

' the pseudo-timer macro
Sub CaptionTimer()
Dim cap As String
Dim pos As Long
cap = Application.Caption

' check if mark already in title bar
pos = InStr(1, cap, "modified)")
If pos > 0 Then
' cut away mark
cap = RTrim(Left(cap, InStr(1, cap, "(") - 1))
End If

If ActiveDocument.Saved = False Then
cap = cap & " (modified)"
cap = cap & " (unmodified)"
End If
Application.Caption = cap

' force macro to rerun in a second
If isRunning Then
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "CaptionTimer"
End If
End Sub

Sub StartCaptionTimer()
isRunning = True
Call CaptionTimer
End Sub

Sub StopCaptionTimer()
isRunning = False
End Sub

If you call StartCaptionTimer() in an AutoExec-Macro of an AddIn
(global template in the startup folder), you pretty much have what you
wanted, don't you?

(Note that, since Word can have only one active OnTime-Timer,
this method might interfere with other AddIns relying on


Word Heretic

G'day "Martin Seelhofer" <[email protected]>,

the only problem with Timer events is any other tool using it as well
cancels yours as only 1 event is active at a time.

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at tpg.com.au

Martin Seelhofer was spinning this yarn:

Martin Seelhofer

Hey there
the only problem with Timer events is any other tool using it as well
cancels yours as only 1 event is active at a time.

That's exactly what I wanted to point out with my note in brackets
on the bottom of my posting ;-)


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