Word disappears in restore mode


M Skabialka

I am trying to open Word 2003 on a new dual monitor system that has been
running fine for a couple of weeks. I see Word open but then it flies off
to the left, beyond my left screen. If I maximize Word from the Taskbar I
can use it on my left monitor, but if I restore it down it flies off to the
left. You can't move an application to the other monitor in maximize mode.

How do I get Word in restore mode to appear within my monitor screen
boundaries? Maxing out my screen resolution doesn't help. Selecting Move
from the TaskBar doesn't help as I think you have to be able to see the
application to move it.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Right-click on the Taskbar button for the window, choose Move, and then use
the Right Arrow key to bring it back in view.

M Skabialka

Move and Size are grayed out in all modes, maximize, minimize and restore,
so I can't try this...

M Skabialka

When I opened another document I was able to use the move and arrow keys -
thanks for your help!


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Move should be available when a Normal window is open, that is, when the
Taskbar button offers Minimize and Maximize but not Restore. Another
approach is to open any other window, then right-click on the Taskbar and
choose Cascade. This should bring the window back in view.

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