Word .doc appears as doc.x . How do I change it back?



I prepare Word documents. When I attach them to e-mails to send, instead of
".doc", they appear as "doc.x" or .doc.x". I do I change this back, since
many cannot open "doc.x"?

Graham Mayor

If you have Word 2007 they will probably be .docx (as opposed to doc.x)
which is the default format for that Word version. To change this you need
to save as Word 97-2003 doc format.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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You're saying my Word2007 is incompatible with Word 2003? HOW do I "save" as
Word 97-2003 doc format if I'm using Word 2007? I was going to ask Microsoft,
but I CANNOT find my product "number" (the KEY apparently isn't enough) so I
can't get help from MS. Typical. They make it beyond difficult.
Is there a way I can tell recipients to click something and .docx becomes
readable to them if they have Word 2003 instead of 2007? THANKS for ANY help.
I've been unable to get anywhere solving this problem and am frantic to send
some materials to a publisher who requires e-mail submissions. Yet CANNOT
open .docx.

Graham Mayor

The raison d'etre of Word 2007 was the different file format, which is XLM
packaged in a compressed holder - essentially a zip file. It is incompatible
with Word 2003 unless the Word 2003 users have installed the compatibility

It is not reasonable to expect others to have to download software to read
your documents so: .........
Click the Office button (looks like a pizza top left of the Word 2007
screen) > Save As > Word 97-2003 document

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Suzanne S. Barnhill

When you first save a document, you get the Save As dialog. Click the arrow
to open the file type dropdown and choose "Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)"
instead of "Word Document (*.docx)." If you want to save all documents in
the older format, there is an option to do so. For existing documents, use
Office Button | Save As, select the older file type, and save.

Those to whom you send .docx files can open them (in Word 2000 and above) if
they download the free Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel,
and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats from
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...70-3ae9-4aee-8f43-c6bb74cd1466&displaylang=en. I
would have thought any publisher worth his salt would know this.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Jay Freedman

The default format for Word 2007 is not the same as the format for Word
2003, but that doesn't mean the programs are incompatible.

When you click the Office button and choose to open the Save As dialog,
there is a dropdown at the bottom of the dialog that's labeled "Save as
type". Click the arrow on the dropdown to open it, and select "Word 97-2003
Document (*.doc)".

If you usually want to save in the .doc format and only occasionally in
..docx format, go to Office button > Word Options > Save and change the
dropdown labeled "Save files in this format" to say "Word 97-2003 Document

Users of Office 2000 through 2003 can get a compatibility pack at
to be able to open and edit .docx files. You shouldn't expect everyone to
use this, though.

You shouldn't need it now, but to see your Product ID number, go to Office
button > Word Options > Resources and click the About button.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Obviously I am an idiot. WHERE is the "save as" dialog? When I save an
article, it only says "do you want to save it" or something close. No button
mentioned, no alternate versions to save it in are mentioned either. WHERE is
the "Office button" everyone mentions? There IS no "button" that I can find.
Good thing I've only been working in Word about nine years, otherwise I'd be
a total idiot. Wait..

Graham Mayor

As I posted earlier the Office buitton is the button that looks like a pizza
in the top left corner of the Word 2007 interface window.
See the second illustration at http://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Again, I ask WHERE is the Microsoft OFFICE button everyone keeps mentioning?
I cannot find one to click.

Thanks tons for the help to this point though. I appreciate it.

Jay Freedman

Again? When did you ask before? Not in this thread...

The Office button is the big round thing in the upper left corner. It is not
just a decoration, although the Microsoft developers now -- finally --
recognize what a huge mistake it was to make it look like one. Click it to
open the equivalent of the old File menu. The same thing is true in Excel
and PowerPoint.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.




THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to ALL that gave advice and information on my
problem. It is now SOLVED. WOW. THANKS TONS.

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