Word Doc from IE plugin embedding in Outlook with nonsense characters



The setup

Windows XP Pro (not sure of SP at this time, but I belive SP 2)
Office 2003
IE 6

The problem:

We view automatically generated letters through the ie plugin for word
documents. To attach the word doc to an email, we would hit "File ->
Send -> Page by mail". Under older setups (Win2K with Office 2000
SR-1), the document would attach to the newly opened outlook message as
a separate file, but under this newer setup the document gets embedded
in the mail message body. This wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for
the fact that the body of the document gets padded with a bunch of
nonsense characters. My guess is that the word formatting is getting
spit out in the message when only the text should be carrying over.

I should make a point that this machine is locked down permissions wise
not to be able to save attachments from the web. When I tried the same
situation on a machine with full access, I got an attached file, but it
was an .htm file and not a .doc file, and when I opened it there were
garbage characters inside.

Has anyone encountered this problem? Any possible solutions/things to
look at?


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