word docs don't open directly with double click



Operating system XP – Media center edition
Dell dimension 5150 – about 2 ½ years old
MS office (word) 2003 with SP2

This problem is new .. started about 3 weeks ago and is intermittent, though
as time goes on the problem occurs more often.

1. I open My Documents
2. I open a Folder
3. Within the Folder I select and open a specific Word document
4. Word opens, but the screen is grey (no document shows)
5. At that point I can go to
i. Open …
1. which basically takes me back to the whole list of Folders in My
Documents … re-open the folder and re-select the document

Anyone know what might be wrong and how I might fix this?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?ZHNqcg==?=,

Try running "Detect and repair" from Word's Tools menu (I think that's where it
is - been a while since I looked at that interface).
Operating system XP – Media center edition
Dell dimension 5150 – about 2 ½ years old
MS office (word) 2003 with SP2

This problem is new .. started about 3 weeks ago and is intermittent, though
as time goes on the problem occurs more often.

1. I open My Documents
2. I open a Folder
3. Within the Folder I select and open a specific Word document
4. Word opens, but the screen is grey (no document shows)
5. At that point I can go to
i. Open …
1. which basically takes me back to the whole list of Folders in My
Documents … re-open the folder and re-select the document

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


thanks, Cindy .... I have done that now ... I'll post in a few days to say if
it solved the problem



Solution 1:
The problem could be with the registry settings. Re-register it.

(This is a general test)
First try open the word from,
Start -> Run -> Type winword /r -> click OK.

To Re-register your registry,
Insert the original Office installation disc. Run setup and
repair the
installation. This will make the same registry changes that re-registering

Solution 2:

Sometimes the AVG will cause this kind of conflicts with word
files. If you have AVG installed, Try uninstall and re-install it.

Thank you,

---- -- ----


thanks Saravanan ... I will give it a couple of days to see if detect and
repair solved the problem .. if not, try this


Hey Cindy .... well it has been a few days and the jury is still out. About
95% of the time word docs open as they should. 5% of the time I get the grey
screen but, instead of needing to go file open, if I simply close the
document and reopen, all is good.
Thanks again


Saravanan .... I am still testing out Cindy's solution ... if need be I will
try this, though (but it sounds like lots more work!)

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