Maybe only because I have not made use of it, but I would not be going down
the xml path.
My approach would be (to have code) open each document, iterate through the
rows of a table in the document, determine (maybe from the first columnm but
possibly from the row number) to which field (or record) in datatable the
question in that row should be associated, and then by checking the .Text
property of the .Range of each of the cells in the row, determine in which
column the X is located and then inserting the information into the
In the above, I mention "field (or record) in the datatable, because it is
not clear to me whether the table in the database contains a record for each
question and for each question you want to record the number of votes for
each response ( 'satisfied,' 'unsatsified' etc.) or whether you are wanting
to create a new record for each respondent and the questions are fields in
the table and you want to record for each respondent their response to each
There is one other article to which I should have referred you as it may
also be applicable
"Making groups of Check Box Form Fields mutually exclusive (so that they
behave like radio buttons)" at:
The method in that article can be modified so that you can have formfield
checkboxes in the cells of a row of a table act in that way.
Hope this helps.
Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.
Doug Robbins - Word MVP