Pretty easy and fun, once you get the hang of it.
You can do this using PrtScrn - even better if you use a free print screen
software such as Gadwin Print Screen (
If the document is fairly large, you can do this in step.
Bring up the doc.
1) Hit the PrtScrn key (or use Gadwin or other software as directed) to save
the first portion to the clipboard.
2) Open MS Paint and paste in (ctrl V) the clip. Paint may ask you if you
want the bitmap enlarged to accommodate the clip. Click Yes.
3) At this point you probably want to enlarge the bitmap even more
(lengthwise and widthwise) to accept the other pieces. You can do this using
the "Image" menu and clicking on "attributes." Make sure you enlarge it
enough (you can always shrink the bitmap (white area) later (drag it smaller
or go back to attributes) if you make it too big.
4) Go back to the Word document and scroll so you can shoot the next piece.
5) Go back to Paint and paste in that piece. It will paste over the first
piece, but you can drag it down or sideways (don't click it until you have
it in the right spot because that locks it in) so that the seam between the
two parts disappears. (Yes, you can stitch pieces together to ABSOLUTE
perfection using MS Paint!)
6) Repeat this as many time as needed to get all the pieces (you also can
make separate files if you are doing more than one page).
7) If you have the proper converters installed, Paint will save as a fairly
low quality jpeg. If not or if you need higher quality, save as a bitmap and
reopen in another software (MS Photo Ed, Adobe Photodeluxe, Photoshop, the
free Irfanview ( )
and resave as higher quality jpeg.)
This procedure works great and can be used for many things!!1 Post back if
you have problems and good luck.
Anthony Giorgianni
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