Word does not allow more than One page per Doc.



When typing in word I am unable to get more than 1 Page per doc. and if i
want to continue with the same worksheet i have to open a new Doc. page. what
do i have to do?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

What version of Word? What sort of "worksheet" are you talking about? Have
you inserted a table? If so, assuming this is Word 2000 or above, you may
have dislodged it and thereby changed the wrapping from None (which can
break to a new page) to Around (which can't break in Word 2000 or 2002 but
can by default in Word 2003).


In order to offer any meaningful help we need to know more:

What version of Word?

What version of Windows?

Exactly what are you doing that would lead you to expect a new page to be
generated, what happens once a "page" is filled, etc.?

What View are you working in?

I'm afraid nobody here has the ability to look over your shoulder - we rely
solely on what you tell us & the accuracy of your post is most important.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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