Hi Robin,
You can open the .mdi graphic (a modified .TIF file) in MS Office 2003 document imaging and then use one of these techniques while
in MS Office Document Imaging
(Start=>Programs=>Microsoft Office=>Microsoft Office Tools)
to use the item in Word
(a) Use Optical Character Recognition to send the text content to Word.
(b) Highlight the parts of the image you want to copy to Word, right click and choose 'copy image' then paste it into Word.
(c) In Document Imaging use Edit=>Select all
to choose the graphics elements on the page then Edit=>Copy Image, switch to Word and paste.
(d) In Document Imaging Use File=>Save As and choose the TIFF file format and you can then use Insert=>Picture From File to insert
the graphic into Word. (note that only the 'top page' of a multipage TIFF or MDI graphic file can be seen when inserting it into
I am wanting to insert a .mdi picture from a file into a word 2003 document,
but word does not recognize it and asks me what I would like to convert it to
(none of the jpeg, etc options work). Is there a way of making word recognise
..mdi files?>>
I hope this helped you,
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office system products MVP
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3. Use the 2007 OfficeOnline website without Office2007
a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit