Word dont exit normal !!!



I have Microsoft Office 2000 Premium.
When I close the Word (with Exit) i receive the message:

This program has performed an illegal operation
and will be shut down.
WINWORD caused an invalid page fault in
module ...........................................................

Word close but in task manager(with ctrl+alt+del)
i see "winword.exe" and if i open and close word again
i see two "winword.exe" ...........
Why this happens ?
I try repair Office 2000 but the problem remains....

Note: I deleted normal.dot and the first time Word closed normal
but in the second time (when the normal.dot re-creted) i receive
the same message and winword remains in taskbar manager........


Ask this in a Word group or forum, where the Word experts hang out.

Are you opening any documents after deleting normal.dot, or just opening Word?
It sounds as if something is modifying your normal template, causing the error to recur. If you are not opening a document during your test, it may be from something in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\STARTUP folder.



You had right !!! I found in this directory the file
WRDemo.wll . When i move this file from startup
of Word the problem dont exist !!!
What is this file ?

Ask this in a Word group or forum, where the Word experts hang out.

Are you opening any documents after deleting normal.dot, or just opening
It sounds as if something is modifying your normal template, causing the
error to recur. If you are not opening a document during your test, it may
be from something in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\STARTUP



Perhaps it is a corrupt file, perhaps the demo has expired...there could be a number of reasons.


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