Word Drawing Problem



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel A large light blue rectangle appears when I am making a drawing in Word that messes up object placement. How do I turn it off?


Are you referring to a rectangle which has the circular "handles" at each of
the 4 corners & squarish ones at the midpoint of each side? If so, that is
the bounding box in which the drawing object is contained. Graphics are
foreign bodies in the flow of a Word document ‹ you can't remove the
container without removing its content. When you deselect (click away from)
the shape the bounding box will not display, it only displays while the
object is selected.

For info on how to better manage how text flows around the object see the
Help topic: Make text wrap around your pictures.

Please understand that controlling the positioning of objects in a Word
document is one of the most challenging tasks you can take on. All objects
are 'attached' to the text in one of two ways;

In Line with Text, or

Anchored to a paragraph as floating objects with some form of Text Wrap
applied. For more on working with graphic objects in Word's text flow see:


Then follow the two links at the bottom of the page;

About the draw layer

About floating graphics

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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