word editor in outlook not working, word not opening



Just started having problems with Word 2003 not opening - get error message
saying it encountered a problem. If I untick "recover my work and restart
Microsoft Word", then the next time I try to open it asks if I want to do so
in Safe Mode.

This may be unrelated, but has come just after I started having problems
with my Outlook 2003.

When I try to do a new email, it opens with my previously OK signatures now
double spaced and the options button in my toolbar does not have all of the
signatures that were once there (I have different signatures depending on
which business I am working on at the time).

When I go to Tools, Options, Mail Format and tick "use Microsoft Office Word
2003 to edit email messages" and then try to start a new email, I get the old
"red cross" telling me that although Word is set to be the editor, it is
unavailable, not installed or not the same version, and that the outlook
email editor will be used instead.

Can anyone assist me with this. It first occured on my office desktop and
has now started on my laptop at home which I use as a remote to the office
desktop by LogMeIn. I think it started on the laptop when I tried to open a
Word document that I had forwarded to the laptop from the office.

The home desktop that I am using at present seems to still be OK.

I am of the belief that nothing that I experience is unique - i'm just not
that special! I'd appreciate any help that you can give to get this problem

Many thanks,


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