Word Equations



I am trying to set up an equation to include a "mergfield total" in a word document. I want to calculate 30% of the mergefield total - displaying only the product results on my document. I am having trouble getting the calculations to include the mergefield total. Any ideas?

Peter Hewett

Hi =?Utf-8?B?UGh5bGxpcw==?= (love the name!)

It pretty easy. In the main document insert a Formula Field (a field with an
equals sign in it):
{ = }

Now in you Fomula field insert a merge field:
{ = {MERGEFIELD Cost} }

Now perform a calculation on the merged value:
{ = {MERGEFIELD Cost} * 1.25 }

Now format the output (if required)
{ = {MERGEFIELD Cost} * 1.25 \#,###.00 }

HTH + Cheers - Peter


Hi Philis,

{={MERGEFIELD total}*.3 \# $,0.00}

PS: Braces are created in pairs via Ctrl-F9. Change the numeric picture
switches to suit your requirements.

Phyllis said:
I am trying to set up an equation to include a "mergfield total" in a word
document. I want to calculate 30% of the mergefield total - displaying only
the product results on my document. I am having trouble getting the
calculations to include the mergefield total. Any ideas?

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