The "Save" & "Save As..." commands do not work. I get
error message: " The macro cannot be found or has been
disabled because of your macro security settings."
I upgraded Word 97 to Word 2002 one month ago.
I get the same error message if I try to use the "Save as
Goldmine template" command. But I do not have Goldmine on
my machine. I had Goldmine on my machine 3 years ago &
removed it. It placed a couple of menu items on my File
menu that have never been removed & I don't know how.
The "Troublshoot templates & letters" page of Word Help
recommends that I set "Visual Basic for Applications"
to "Run from My Computer". I have done this.
My macro security is set to Medium.
I am able to save a normal document by clicking on the
disk icon. But I am now working with a template, and I
want to use the "Save As.." command.
Thank you for any time you take with this
error message: " The macro cannot be found or has been
disabled because of your macro security settings."
I upgraded Word 97 to Word 2002 one month ago.
I get the same error message if I try to use the "Save as
Goldmine template" command. But I do not have Goldmine on
my machine. I had Goldmine on my machine 3 years ago &
removed it. It placed a couple of menu items on my File
menu that have never been removed & I don't know how.
The "Troublshoot templates & letters" page of Word Help
recommends that I set "Visual Basic for Applications"
to "Run from My Computer". I have done this.
My macro security is set to Medium.
I am able to save a normal document by clicking on the
disk icon. But I am now working with a template, and I
want to use the "Save As.." command.
Thank you for any time you take with this