Word/Excel 2007 - do people like the ribbon


Richard Fangnail

Isn't the new ribbon at the top confusing for less advanced users? I
mean, for admin people who are used to the old menus.

Can you switch from the new ribbon to the old style of menus?

Harlan Grove

Richard Fangnail said:
Isn't the new ribbon at the top confusing for less advanced users? I
mean, for admin people who are used to the old menus.

Debatable, but there's little doubt the MSFT developers who came up with the
ribbon seldom if ever use Office apps themselves, aside, perhaps, from
Can you switch from the new ribbon to the old style of menus?

Not using anything built into Office 2007. There are several add-ons that
can alter the ribbon to make it appear like the 'Classic' menu. A Google
Groups search of this newsgroup should turn up several dozen threads on
ribbon alternatives.

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