Hi Andrew -
First thing - it isn't a good idea to tack your message onto an old thread,
especially one that's shown no activity for nearly 30 days

Even though
your problem *seems* to be the same, if the procedures in that post didn't
correct it there *must* be something different - make sense? Also, Very few
of us go back to cull through defunct posts, so it's quite possible that
yours might never have been seen. It's better to post as a new message
detailing the specifics of your case, exactly what corrective measures
you've taken & the results of those actions.... Not chastizing you, just
offering suggestions
Now - even though you "reinstalled" your driver, did you check the printer
mfr's web site to see if there is an available update?... just reinstalling
the same driver is unlikely to help if the driver isn't current. Once you've
confirmed that & assuming there are no other compatibility issues (I've seen
some comments about Lexmark & HP problems) the other info in your post
definitely points to something about OS X print services. Excel merely calls
for the service & hands the job off. What you're experiencing in regard to
PDFs & Print Preview are not the source program's doing.
If the driver update doesn't resolve the problem check Apple Discussions for
your flavor of OS X on how to go about cleaning up your system's print