Word Field Codes in Excel data file



Word & Excel 2003 on XP
I have a mail merge form project that is too large for a Word table (too
many columns) and I need to use the IncludeText field code in the data
source. I could use an unformated Word text data source, but the data for
each record is so large it is next to impossible to edit without the benefit
of a table and Excel offers huge advantages in its sort and fill functions.
But I can't seem to get a Word field code into an Excel spreadsheet. The
best I seem to be able to do is get the Word result to display in Excel, but
not the field code formula I want. Can this be done?

For what it is worth, I can get exactly what I want using Excel 4 and Word
5.1 on Mac OS 9 by paste linking the Excel data source as unformated text in
a Word document and then using that as the Word data source for the Word main
document. You never have to open and try to edit the Word unformated text
data document. Make the change in your Excel data document and they are
automatically updated into the Word data file.

Graham Mayor

You don't need to insert the Word field in the Excel data. All you need to
do is insert the filename and/or the bookmark name of the text you want to
insert. Then call the field(s) containing this information in an Includetext
field in the merge document eg
{Includetext "C:\\path\\{Mergefield TextFile}"}

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


I think I understand sentence 1. I have an Excel file named Excel Data. The
header record cell A1 is labled "Endorsements". Cell A2 is filled with the
name of a document saved as "ALTA 9.doc". It's about a page and a half of

I started a new Word main document, identified Excel Data as the data
source, went to insert field and selected Includetext, and hit O.K. Then to
the edit links menue, change, brouse and select Excel Data. {Includetext
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\\Mmerge data\\Excel Data.xls"
\*Mergeformat } is the result as I am not following the instructions in your
sentence 2 correctly. I am missing something.

And thanks for you help for an out of date MAC user forced to the PC.



Perhaps the simplest way to achieve what you're after is to copy the source
area in your Excel workbook, then paste it into Word using Edit|Paste
Special and choosing the 'paste link' and whatever formatting options Word
offers that suits your needs. This does essentially the same as what you
described for the Mac.


Graham Mayor

You are missing something! You are trying to call the information in the
Endorsements field of the Excel data file

The field content should be
{IncludeText "c:\\path to Alta 9.doc\\{Mergefield Endorsements}"}

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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I may be missing something here, but the problem is getting the Includetext
instruction into Excel in the first place. In the Mac programs I mentioned
you could just type the <<Includetext document name>> into the Excel date
document and proceed as you described. With later iterations you can't type
it; you have to use Insert/Field, select Includetext and deal with the path
and document name. I thought a work around might be to create the
instruction in Word and paste it into Excel, but so far all I can get is the
resulting text, not the field code instruction(s) I am look for.


It's a beautiful thing. {INCLUDETEXT "C: (path to folder where ALTA 9.doc
is located)\\{Mergefield Endorsements }" \*Mergeformat } works perfectly.
Field codes on, you get field codes. Field codes off you get the result, the
ALTA 9.doc content! Just what I wanted.

At the risk of being a pig, is there a way to include a reference to more
than one document in the same cell in the data source, e.g. "ALTA 9.doc and
ALTA 5.doc."? That would be handy, but you can always just use more headers
with more document references.

Thank you so much for your help. For me, this is huge!

Graham Mayor

Provided the field containing the record contains some mechanism whereby you
know which documents to associate with that record, then you can include as
many texts as you wish. You will probably need a field for each text
(Endorsement1, Endorsement2 etc)
You may need to associate it with a conditional field(s) e.g.

{IF {Mergefield fieldname} = "test" "{Includetext "c:\\path\\Alta5.doc"}
{Includetext "c:\\path\\Alta9.doc"}"{Includetext "c:\\path\\Alta6.doc"}"}

i.e. if the test is true add the first two documents. if false add the
third. The variations on this field are flexible :)

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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